Monthly Writing Prompt | March 2023

Blood surges through every appendage as you clutch the cargo closer. This thing… your mind scrambles as you feel it; your pulse thrums against your fingertips–as though your own heartbeat is desperate to reach the thing you hold. Someone waits for you to relinquish it. You step closer to comply…

Muse Stimulators:

  • What is the POV carrying?
  • Is the POV’s reaction a positive one or a negative one? Why?
  • Why is the POV giving the thing away? Do they follow through?
  • What benefit does the POV see in performing this action?
  • What happens next?

Happy Writing!


WIP Challenge – December 2022

Take your character into a densely populated place. Take time to describe the colors, smells, sounds. Weave the chaos of it into your character’s journey through. Do they overhear something? Do they get bumped or shoved in the melee?

Happy Writing!


Monthly Writing Prompt | December 2022

The noise has been constant since you opened your eyes. At first, it was tolerable, but now… now you’d do anything to make it stop. The temperature is uncomfortable, and it’s getting worse as the moments drag on. You look around for something, anything, anyone who can help.

Muse Stimulators:

  • What is the noise and where is it coming from?
  • Is it hot or cold? What other environmental conditions are in play?
  • Is anyone around to help or hinder?
  • Is this situation unexpected for the POV? Why or why not?
  • What happens next?

Happy Writing!


WIP Challenge – October 2022

Incorporate an extreme weather condition into your narrative. Show how this affects your character’s mood, attire, living space, and choices for the continuation of their journey.

Happy Writing!