“Come, Devil” – Laura Marden | Author Spotlight

Do you like listening to great stories? Ones that give you goosebumps and bring you to the edge of your seat?

“Come, Devil”, written by Laura Marden and narrated by Nate DuFort on Creepy Podcast is a short story that will send a shiver down your spine and leave you looking over your shoulder.

If you like supernatural elements with a western grit, you will find this story highly enjoyable.

Laura’s favorite genres to explore are literary fiction, sci-fi, and cyberpunk. I met her when she joined the Augusta Writer’s Critique Group in November of 2019. Since then, I’ve had the privilege to critique several of her manuscripts that have been published, including “Lucid Dreaming”, “Daughter of the Qavvi”, and “Come, Devil”.

She is a highly talented writer and it’s truly been a pleasure working with her. Check out her published manuscripts, follow her on Twitter @LauraJMarden, and stay tuned for more, because she is just getting started on a very successful writing career!

Happy Writing!


Featured author photo courtesy of The Blind Man Photography | Twitter @Blindmanphotog1

Author: MJ Pankey

MJ is a writer and writing consultant devoted to her muse and to helping other writers gain confidence, overcome obstacles, and unleash the story within. She offers multiple services on her platform, mjpankey.com, and creates helpful content for writers on her youtube channel.

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